Hey all. It’s been a while since I’ve done major updates, whether on the blog or the mapper in general. This weekend starts a big new charity event, though, which I hope to do yearly as long as there’s interest.
As many of you know and have read, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and lost my colon in 2011. The particular dates of my major flare-up, hospitalization, and surgery have their anniversaries coming up very quickly. This year, September 14-25 (mirroring my hospital stay last year), we’re doing a tile drive to benefit the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America.
How does it work? Simple. Donate to the CCFA, then let us know about it. Once you do, every $5 donated magically turns into a new tile by me, BillDaKat, Dominic Toghill, Fr. Dave, and Brutus Motor. Every $25 donated means a new tile from Dyson Logos. In other words, every $5 donated to the CCFA will bring (at least) 5.2 new tiles to the mapper! Not to mention that other thing, where you’re helping with research into Inflammatory Bowel Disease and supporting some of the estimated 1.4 million Americans with it.
Speaking of BillDaKat, he’s been helping clean up some of the tiles in my backlog, and sometime in the near future I’ll be posting them. Check out his awesome city tiles (especially edges and corners) and consider checking out his book, Free Pirates for Hire, as well.
Last, but certainly not least, you kids with the touchy screens and whatnot. I recently updated the mapper to be a bit more iPad friendly, and will be testing with my Android tablet soon too. If you’re a GM/DM that uses a tablet while gaming, please consider giving the mapper a go during your next session and let me know how well it’s working, what isn’t working, and how I can improve the experience.